Our Principles

The working principles that the group, its sub-committees and members have all adopted are:

  • We combine action and research. Our action is based on facts and a well-researched understanding of the problem, its context, and the human impact.

  • We work collectively with others, building a coalition of actors with different interests and perspectives that unite around common goals. We seek to add value to, rather than duplicate, existing initiatives.

  • We work simultaneously on immediate priorities, that will deliver quick results, while also addressing the deep roots of - problems in complex systems.

  • We seek local leadership while recognizing that extranjeros can be allies and play a supportive role behind local leadership.

  • We recognize that building new relationships that unite people with different backgrounds requires building trust. We do this through active listening, respectful interactions and recognition that, while there will be a diversity of ideas, the group’s overall interests will be put above individual interests. 

  • If conflict arises, we ask that you go to the source, deal directly with the other person(s) involved, and resolve it respectfully and with an open mind. Reminding each other of the organization’s goals and of common interests may also be helpful. If conflicts cannot be resolved directly by the members, please reach out to one of the members of the coordinating committee for additional support. 

  • We are aware that some of us are guests in a country with different cultures and customs. We strive to be cognisant and respectful  of the historical wealth of this country when interacting with our hosts.

  • We are non-partisan. While we seek to shift the local political culture and improve the quality of representation of local interests in public processes, we act independently of all political parties.

  • We understand that shining a light on previously ignored interests and opening up processes to citizens can provoke reactions amongst those that do not believe in democratic principles. The safety of our members is our number one priority.